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Calcutta Girls' College

NAAC Accredited B+ (3rd Cycle) | NIRF | ISO Certified |EMS QMS CERTIFICATION

Code of conduct

Hand book of Code of Conduct

Calcutta Girls’ College considers values and ethics to be the basic edifice for the proper functioning of the institution and attainment of its objectives. The various stakeholders who constitute the institution are guided by a set of ideals and principles that are crucial in the overall progress and development of the institution.

Code of Conduct for Governing Body

The governing body of the college is the apex body invested with the responsibility of ensuring the effective management of the institution and for planning its future development. The functioning is guided by the following:

  • Approval of the mission and strategic vision of the institution, long-term academic plans to meet the interests of stakeholders.
  • Monitoring institutional performance and quality assurance arrangements.
  • Ensuring compliance with the statutes, ordinances and provisions regulating their institution, including regulations by Statutory bodies, such as UGC, as well as regulations laid out by the State government and affiliating university.
  • Ensuring equal opportunity for all stakeholders
  • Ensuring a transparent and smooth functioning of all aspects of the college

Code of Conduct for Principal

  • Maintaining and promoting academic activities in the College
  • Creating and maintaining an unbiased gender-free atmosphere
  • Generating and maintaining required alertness among all the stakeholder of the College so that the chances of incidents of sexual harassment get ever minimized and ultimately eradicated
  • Initiating and propagate the spirit of welfare within all the sections of human resources attached directly or indirectly with the College and hence to build mutual confidence amongst them.
  • Ensuring a democratic and transparent functioning of various bodies within the college

Code of Conduct for Teachers

  • The College considers the Code of Ethics recommended by the UGC as a guideline in framing its code for the teachers keeping in view the specific conditions of the institution.

Professional Values

  • Concern, Commitment and dedication to educating each student and taking care of specific needs and helping the student/s beyond class hours without accepting any remuneration.
  • Developing an educational environment with no discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, religion, gender or socio-economic status
  • Inspiring students to generate more interest and developing a sense of inquiry in the pursuit of knowledge.
  • Instilling a scientific and democratic outlook among his students, making them community oriented, patriotic and broad minded.

Professional Values

  • Continuously updating and upgrading of the self and the student community
  • Pursuit of research and participation in seminars and workshops for professional development
  • Developing new teaching strategies and curriculum as well as planning for an upgraded academic system
  • Carrying out the Institution’s educational, extra-curricular responsibilities such as conducting admissions, college seminars and sports, extension activities and cultural programmes respectively

Professional Collaboration

  • Mutual respect and cooperation among colleagues, assisting them and sharing the responsibilities in a collaborative manner and also towards non-teaching staff
  • Refraining from lodging unsubstantiated allegations against their colleagues in order to satisfy vested interests.
  • Maintaining regular interactions with the guardians of the students

Code of Conduct for Non-Teaching Staff

  • Its obligatory for all Non-teaching staff to keep the mission and vision of the college in mind and ensure smooth functioning of the college with their punctuality
  • Each of them should perform the duties he has been assigned sincerely and diligently as well as with accountability.
  • It is expected that Non-teaching staff will offer assistance and support to the students
  • Non-teaching staff are expected to bear the confidentiality of their task with honesty and dedication
  • Non-teaching staff are a crucial part of college functioning and needs to be actively involved in decision making process.